News & Notice 2 페이지 > CJ Express

News & Notice
No Title Name Date View
9 cj 대한통운공지사항-코로나19 관련 CJ Express 2020.03.03 2708
8 Shipment size and Weight guidelines by FedEx CJ Express 2019.12.21 3048
7 Guide for DHL Express Dutiable Shipments to China CJ Express 2019.12.14 2934
6 Packaging Advice(source: DHL) CJ Express 2019.12.14 2842
5 특송물품 성실신고문화 정착을 위한 실명확인제 CJ Express 2019.12.14 2224
4 [Fedex] 2019 Holiday Service Schedule CJ Express 2019.12.13 2086
3 Customize your deliveries with FedEx Delivery Manager CJ Express 2019.12.11 2202
2 Want to Help Prevent Stolen Packages? CJ Express 2019.12.10 1774
1 our special lists CJ Express 2019.12.10 1871